Curriculum Letters
Elmwood is a diverse and multi-cultural school where pupils’ personal development and well-being are central to our vision. Every pupil is valued and their unique qualities are recognised, nurtured and celebrated. We aim to meet the needs of all children through a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which is carefully matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum ensuring progression and appropriate coverage of skills and knowledge. Lessons are creative and inspiring and encourage a love of learning in pupils. At Elmwood we work together to ensure each pupil reaches their full potential. High expectations for all our pupils enable them to become resilient, independent, confident and successful life-long learners. We know that pupils who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Instilling all pupils with a ‘growth mindset’ is a key priority at our school.
At Elmwood Junior School, we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the notion that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun! Through our teaching we equip pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices. We believe that inspirational teaching and learning experiences help pupils lead happy and rewarding lives.
Well-being is at the forefront of everything that we do at Elmwood Junior School. Our school values and ethos are embedded in the statement: ‘Learning together, achieving together, bringing out the best in everyone’.
The Purpose Of Our Curriculum Is:
- To inspire a love of learning
- To enable learning through creative approaches
- To provide a breadth of skills and knowledge
- To build confidence
- To build emotional intelligence
- To develop life-long learners
At Elmwood we are committed to ensuring that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We give a high priority to their development and achievement in the Core and Foundation Subjects.
Through implementing a purposeful approach to learning, we believe that our children leave a legacy for future learners and generations to come. Our curriculum design is broad and balanced and progressively builds on knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding year on year. The National Curriculum objectives are organised to ensure clear progression through subjects which also gives opportunities to build on prior learning.
Here at Elmwood we believe in creating a unique, exciting and well-designed learning journey from year 3 to 6. Each half term the teachers have carefully designed theme based learning that will spark enthusiasm and interest in learning. Lessons will often be cross curricular. Themes start with an exciting Entry Point and then skills and knowledge are taught with purpose and rigour. Children’s mastery of the learning is then culminated in a project called an Exit Point. Exit Points enable children to demonstrate their understanding of the subjects learnt through specific project design for purpose. This enables children to understand how to apply their learning and have memorable and fun learning experiences.
Progression of knowledge, skills and understanding are carefully planned, reviewed and adapted yearly to ensure that pupil’s learning builds effectively over time to ensure children are ready to meet the expectations of secondary school and later life.
In addition to year group learning, we regularly engage in whole school initiatives to excite the whole community. These complement the curriculum, promote community and encourage engagement with families. Examples include Mental Health Awareness Week, Anti-Bullying Week, Online Safety Weeks, STEM Week, History/Geography Week, and many charitable events including our work with NSPCC Number Day, Children in Need and Red Nose Day.
Pupil voice is central to our ethos. As a Rights Respecting School (Unicef GOLD 2019), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are at the centre of our curriculum. Teaching and learning about rights for the whole community is a central part of the journey to becoming a rights respecting citizen.
Senior leaders and governors recognise that mental health is a key priority for ensuring the well-being, safety and healthy futures of our pupils. For this reason, the implementation of a full time, qualified therapist, from ‘Croydon Drop In’ who works in school each day has been a key priority. Without secure mental health, or support to maintain positive mental health, pupils will find it hard to learn, achieve and transition successfully. In addition to this, we also have a full time ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who works with identified children to support them with their emotional wellbeing.
Every class has a chrome book for each child and sixteen ipads, giving each pupil regular opportunities to experience and develop their skills, knowledge and confidence with using technology in a variety of subjects across the curriculum.
We deliver high quality PSHE lessons which allow pupils to engage with relevant and imperative subjects/issues, thus preparing all pupils for the opportunities and responsibilities of life.
We also provide opportunities for pupils to experience a sense of achievement through sport and the creative arts. This is central to the school’s successful philosophy of developing self-esteem.
Pupils leave Elmwood Junior School with a secure understanding and experience of knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. With the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible. Making them aware of how they can make positive contributions to the local community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be.
Working on a ‘can do’ attitude enables our pupils to have confidence in their futures. The skills, knowledge, relationships and experience they gain supports them in becoming 21st Century citizens aspiring to jobs of the future.
Our pupils also leave Elmwood as rounded individuals with a sense of belonging and will have developed the confidence, knowledge and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections, be resilient and become lifelong learners with a clear understanding on the importance of a positive mindset.
Our pupils will:
· have high expectations of themselves
· have a sense of pride, belonging and identity within our school
· know that positive behaviour has positive outcomes
· be courteous and respectful and feel equal
· have ambition to be the best they can be
· have gained experiences which enhance character and mould their future thinking
· see the value in challenge and relish the opportunities
· understand that we are a part of Britain and our shared values matter
· have parents that feel involved and included
· have made strong educational progress
· enjoy learning and continue to be lifelong learners.