Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parent/carer
You have received this letter and additional text message, asking you to vote in the Parent Governor elections. Below you can read the supporting statements from each of the candidates. When you have chosen who to vote for please click on the voting link below

Fawad Shakeel
As an accountant and a dedicated parent with children currently enrolled in our school, I believe I am not only obliged but also well-suited to serve as a Parent Governor of the Board of Governors for several reasons:

Clarity of Vision and Strategic Direction: My professional background in accounting has honed my skills in analysing financial data and evaluating the fiscal health of organisations. This expertise can be invaluable in ensuring the school’s financial resources are effectively aligned with its vision and strategic goals. I am committed to transparent financial planning and resource allocation, which will contribute to the clarity of our school’s vision and ethos.

Accountability for Educational Performance: As a parent, I have a vested interest in the educational performance of our school and its pupils. Holding the headteacher accountable for educational outcomes is a responsibility I take seriously. My experience in financial analysis has equipped me with the ability to evaluate performance metrics and provide constructive feedback to ensure that our school continually improves its educational standards and the management of its staff.

Financial Oversight and Efficiency: With my professional background, I am well­ equipped to oversee the financial performance of our school and ensure that every pound is well spent. I am committed to maintaining financial transparency and accountability, making certain that the school’s financial resources are allocated efficiently to support its educational mission. This includes scrutinising budgets, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and ensuring that financial decisions align with the school’s strategic priorities.

In summary, my experience as an accountant, coupled with my role as a parent deeply invested in our school community, uniquely positions me to contribute to the board’s efforts in maintaining the school’s vision, ensuring educational excellence, and safeguarding financial resources. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve on the Board of Governors and contribute to the continued success of our school.

Hafsa Javed
I would like to be parent governor at Elmwood Junior School because I believe that parents have an important role to play in their children’s education. I am passionate about education, and l want to make sure that all children at Elmwood have the best possible start in life. I am a parent of four children who have all attended EJS two which have gone on to further studies. I have been involved in the school community for many years and I have seen first-hand the difference that a good education can make to a child’s life. I am also a member of the PTA and I am actively involved in fundraising and organising events for the school. I am also involved in the school food bank, helping distribute food to families in need. I have a strong understanding of the education system and I am up to date on the latest educational research. I am also able to think strategically and to make sound decisions. I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be an asset to the parent governing board.

I am particularly interested in the role of the parent governor because I believe that parents have a unique perspective to offer. We are the ones who know our children best and we are the ones who are most invested in their education. I want to be a voice for parents on the governing board and to make sure that their views are heard. I am also interested in promoting diversity and inclusion at EJS. I believe that all children should feel welcome and valued, regardless of their background or abilities. I want to work with the governing board to ensure that Elmwood is a school where children thrive. I am a hard worker, and I am committed to making a positive difference at EJS. I believe that I would be an asset to the governing board, and I am confident that I could make a real difference at Elmwood.

Iain Wilson

I currently have two children going through Elmwood Junior School, and I also have an elder child who graduated from Elmwood Junior School in July 2017. This means I have a good level of experience with the school through the years beyond my current children who attend.

I have tried to be active in the school’s community through that time; I currently serve on the school PTA and have supported the PTA of the Elmwood Infant School in the past. This has given me some understanding and exposure to the commitment of the teachers behind the scenes and beyond the main task of teaching our children. I have a great deal of respect for Elmwood Junior School and all it achieves, and a great desire to help shape the future of the school and help it continue to grow and -improve.

To Vote
Please only cast vote one per household. If you have multiple children who attend our school please only log in once to cast your vote, it doesn’t matter what child’s login you use to vote. Please note that if you vote more than once, then both your votes will be discarded.
Please login using your child’s Google Classroom login – the one ending with – to be able to cast your vote.

Click here to cast your vote – remember it’s only 1 vote per household. Multiple votes will void your vote.